Thursday, May 11, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to VeganDDS-Retinol


Skin care is a science, yet it varies so much from person to person that figuring out what works and what doesn't can be difficult. This is why cosmetic experts are constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their products and delight their clients with enhanced products. However, there are a few universally accepted skin care truths: avoid the sun, drink plenty of water, and begin using retinol, a form of vitamin A.

With the advancement in technology and the emergence of companies like INdermal, Spain cosmetic specialists can now take their products to the next level of efficiency and provide customers with a product that is tailored to their needs.

INdermal by Nanovex Biotechnologies, a specialized Liposomes & Nanoparticles Company, brings to you Vegan-DDS-Retinol, a promising product that could potentially benefit people who are looking for a vegan alternative to traditional retinol.

Let’s Find Out Exactly What is VeganDDS-Retinol and How Does it Benefit our Skin?

Retinyl Palmitate is an ester of vitamin A and one of the most reliable ways to provide the skin with vitamin A. On delivery to the deep skin levels, Retinyl converts to Retinol (Vitamin A) which in turn converts to Retinal (Retinaldehyde), before  finally  converting to Retinoic Acid being the definitive molecule that provides the benefits to the skin. 

In addition to stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin, Retinyl Palmitate's ability to accelerate the cell regeneration process can improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin. Its regulation of sebum production and reduction of melanin production also make it a useful ingredient in acne treatment products.

This miracle ingredient fights wrinkles, maintains healthy, even-toned skin, and allows cosmetic specialists to focus on what they do best: producing quality products that meet customer expectations #antiagingactiveingredient.

What Retinol Issues Does the VeganDDS-Retinol Solve?

Retinol has various limitations that limit its cosmetic application. It is sensitive to environmental factors like UV, air, and heat and must be handled and stored in specific conditions. This instability reduces the cutaneous bioavailability of retinol, lowering the efficacy of skincare products. It can also cause skin irritation and sensitivity in some people, especially when used at high concentrations or in conjunction with other potentially irritating components.

VeganDDS-Retinol, on the other hand, is considered safe for use in skincare products at a maximum concentration of 1-10% as it is 91.8% natural.

How Do Nanovesicles/ Encapsulation Help Deliver Retinyl Palmitate to the Skin?

The active ingredients encapsulated in the Deep Delivery System are delivered specifically in the deepest strata of the epidermis for a more intense and precise effect on the structures and cells located there: melanocytes, Langerhans cells, keratocytes, basal cells, Merkel cells, etc.

The use of these deep delivery systems enables up to twelve times the amount of active ingredient to reach the interior of the skin compared to when applied freely.
Furthermore, the encapsulated active ingredients in these deep delivery systems penetrate the skin quickly and safely without undergoing changes in their molecular structure, thereby retaining their functionality at the point of delivery.

In short, a higher concentration of 100% functionally active components in a specific location ensures exponentially improved results from the cosmetic formulations and increases customer satisfaction too.

Say hello to Indermal's new hero encapsulated retinol, VeganDDS-Retinol, a pale yellow-coloured liquid designed to respond to market demand for a stable, easy-to-formulate, highly bioavailable, and well-tolerated retinol.

To learn more about the product, click here.

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A Comprehensive Guide to VeganDDS-Retinol

  Skin care is a science, yet it varies so much from person to person that figuring out what works and what doesn't can be difficult. Th...